Friday, October 15, 2010

Fire Station Field Trip

Suiting up! And then practicing "Stop, Drop & Roll"! Don't forget to cover your face!

One of Travis' favorite parts of school...snack time! I made chocolate covered pretzels for the kids since he was the VIP (Very Important Preschooler) this week. Yum Yum Eating and reviewing fire safety.

The highlight of the field trip...The fireman were called out to a fire just as we were finishing up the tour! Everyone got excited about seeing the three trucks head out to save some lives! It's amazing how quick they all get loaded up and head out.

Watching the firemen come down the pole. The two guys at the end thought it would be great until one of them dropped their radio and it smashed on the hard concrete floor and broke. I think the kids liked it though!

Watching the fireman in his fire suit and learning about the oxygen tank and all his gear.

Travis and Jonathan

Birthday GeoTrax for Mommy!

Travis built a great track for me to celebrate my birthday! He's still great at building those tracks!

Pumpkin Patch Playgroup

We went to the pumpkin patch on Wednesday for playgroup. What a beautiful least it started out that way. The boys had so much fun. It turned out they were supposed to be closed that day, but the owner just happened to be there when we all got there, so the kids were at least able to play with the bunnies, pick a pumpkin and play on the playground a little bit. Hopefully we can go back another day and do the hay ride and some of the other fun stuff that they have.

Oh, No!! Are we under arrest?! But Mom said it was okay!!!

Picking out the perfect pumpkins!

Do we really have to see how tall we are? There are way more fun things to do Mom!!

Travis hanging out with his buddy Jonathan.

Playing with the bunnies. Travis and Ryan chased them around trying to catch them, Kyle just stood back and watched. Pretty typical!!

New Hair Cuts

We all got haircuts over the weekend. Travis didn't sit still long enough for me to get a shot of him. All three of them were so good getting their new 'dos!

Play Group at Russiaville Park

Last Wednesday we went to playgroup at a new park about 15 minutes from home. What a great little park. The kids had such a good time. Playhouses, swings, slides, picnic lunch...doesn't get much better than that! Had great weather and a fun time with our friends.